
Your tasks:

  1. Explore some websites to use with your students.
  2. Visit some websites for your own professional growth.
  3. Comment on this post about what else you’ve discovered.

The MathTwitterBlogosphere is filled with all sorts of amazing resources. You’ve certainly run across some of them as you’ve browsed blogs and Twitter, but there are always still more to find. Here are a few of our favorites. If you discover others in your explorations please leave them in the comments!

At the NCTM booth we had informational pages on many resources. Check out the static pages and then follow the links below to the interactive version!

These are some sites that are fun for you and your students to engage with:

Here’s a site to share with parents to help them engage their kids in mathematical conversation and play: Talking Math With Your Kids.

Analyze some Math Mistakes teachers have submitted, work with other commenters to pinpoint what the student’s misunderstanding is and brainstorm how to help the student correct the mistake. Learn and share how to help students avoid some of their mistakes caused by lack of conceptual development at Nix the Tricks.

When you’re frustrated with all the mistakes students make, remind yourself why you teach by reading several teachers’ One Good Thing from each day of school. Over the summer, refill your enthusiasm repository to overflowing by attending Twitter Math Camp.

Are you a first year teacher? Here are some letters to you: Letter to a New Teacher. Even as a eighth year teacher I enjoy reading them to remind myself of what is important.  This is just one of many Math Themed Memes, coined #matheme that people have participated in.

On Tuesday nights our community holds Global Math Department meetings via webinar. It’s the department and PD you’ve always wished for. You can attend in your pajamas.

If you’d like a window inside a variety of math classrooms, in two minute clips, check out Mathagogy. And here’s another window inside an even wider variety of (mostly math) classrooms, in full-day recaps: A Day in the Life of a Teacher.

Thanks for exploring with us and keep on sharing!

8 thoughts on “Resources

  1. I really like the would you rather resource ( This could be used as a plenary at the end of lessons to start discussion.

  2. I really like the estimations 180! Really useful for lower ability classes and developing number sense. Which one doesn’t belong would also be a great recources for starters and initiating discussion!

  3. Really like which one doesn’t belong resource. Could be used for really interesting discussions and help the pupils look for more than one answer. Could be used as a really nice starter. (

    I also liked the resources previously mentioned, but I did enjoy the collaborative math challenges as a way of getting pupils engaged with problem solving together. These could be done just as a quick ten minute starter to really get the students thinking from the off set.

  5. I’ve used Desmos’ graphic calculator a lot myself in creating visuals but never really gotten students to interact with the software, or any of the other range of activities Desmos provides. I spoke with a colleague who showed me an amazing piece of work where a year 7 student had used the graphical calculator to draw a lorry! Amazing! I like the manipulation of the graphical software encouraged by the
    Daily Desmos link but worry that a lot of the options were categorised “advanced” – but maybe that’s okay!?

    I also have used Transum’s starters of the days in the past to invoke discussion, in a similar fashion to the which one doesn’t belong website.

    As for myself I have been watching a lot of TED Ed talks lately, but more so for motivation and inspiration than CPD. But potentially visiting a twitter live hashtag event could be on the agenda.

  6. I really like the would you rather site as I think that these types of question could be used at the start of a topic and then reviewed again at the end of the topic. It would also be interesting to see and hear pupils views about why they have chosen the one that they have.
    I have used a would you rather question before a topic and then addressed the same question at the end of the lesson and every pupil changed their answer because of what they had learned during the lesson.

  7. I liked the which one doesn’t belong resource as it could be used as a starter or a plenary to see if pupils have understood and to help the gain a deeper understanding of the topic.

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