2017 Week Three Round Up of #MTBoS Blog Posts

Here are all of the posts about blog posts we love from week three of the 2017 Blogging Initiative! Below are the posts, sorted by grade level, with general posts at the bottom. Take time to read and comment if you would like! Be on the lookout later today for the prompt for the final week of the blogging initiative!


Learning Behind the Learning @MNmMath, has a blog named mNm Math.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Learning Behind the Learning” and the author sums it up as follows: This post is about the things I do to ensure all students are vested in our math class. I share a few teacher techniques I use to create a learning environment where all are engaged and feel safe to take risks and become part of our learning community.

Melynee Naegele @MNmMath, has a blog named mNm Math.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Inspiration” and the author sums it up as follows: Inspiration comes from fellow math revolutionaries. It can also come from mathematicians who have come before like those found in Hidden Figures. Find your comrades to keep yourself grounded, motivated and fueled for the good fight!

David Walker , has a blog named Common Core Geometry.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled The MTBoS, Week 3: Middle School Math Links” and the author sums it up as follows: Most MTBoS bloggers are high school teachers. So here I provide links to several of my fellow middle school teachers.

Pat Ciula , has a blog named Just MSU.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Out of the Woods” and the author sums it up as follows: I have gained so many insights from the collective wisdom of the MTBoS! In this post I offer possible reasons for student disengagement during a hands-on task.

AnnaMarie Pacura @ampacura, has a blog named I Am a Math Teacher.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Reading & Sharing in the #MTBoSBlogsplosion ” and the author sums it up as follows: Since going public with my twitter account and being introduced to the MTBoS, I have connected with so many other amazing math teachers all over the world, and have brought things into my own middle school math classroom, that I never would have thought of on my own. This post shares just some of the specific blogs and posts that have helped me grow and become a better math teacher.

Algebra 1 and 2

Cindy Cravens @cindycravens, has a blog named Engineering Algebra.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Catching up to MTBoS Blogging Inititative for 2017” and the author sums it up as follows: I list a few of my favorite things that I like to use in my classroom. Desmos & hyperdocs are a couple. I also discuss soft skills.

Mark Kreie @kreiem, has a blog named Kreie classroom – 1:1 Laptops, Team Teaching, and the CCSS.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Explore MTBoS 2017 – Week 3” and the author sums it up as follows: One of my favorite blogs to read is the Desmos Blog.

Micaela Newman @altmath, has a blog named Alternative Math.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Quadratics: Sharing the Love MTBoS Blogging Initiative” and the author sums it up as follows: Keeping track and sharing of some great resources for planning my Quadratic Functions unit.


Jennifer Abel @abel_jennifer, has a blog named Mathsational.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled #MTBoSBlogsplosion Week 3: Blog Props” and the author sums it up as follows: Katrina Newell is making great google interactive activities that everyone should know about. She had great ideas about how to replace some of your cut and paste proof activities with drag and drop google assignments. She’s awesome!


Lucy Logsdon @lsauared76, has a blog named Dividing by Zero.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled #MTBoSBlogsplosion Round #3” and the author sums it up as follows: Trigonometry is looming…new semester means new classes and a new interactive notebook. Love the ideas I get from the #MTBoS!


Amy Zimmer @zimmerdiamonds, has a blog named Ms. Z Teaches in Mathland.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Great Posts a Round 2/3 Combo” and the author sums it up as follows: A very short post on two of my favorite soft skills math bloggers

Liz Mastalio @MissMastalio, has a blog named Mastalio. Math. Mavericks..
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Not My Words” and the author sums it up as follows: I went through my tagged feedly folders and picked some of my favorite inspirational, funny, or useful blog posts from other math teachers. Mostly, I just wanted to show off some of my favorite blogs.

Jenni Clarkin @mrsclarkin, has a blog named Something to Smile About.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Doing your own PD when you aren’t getting what you need!” and the author sums it up as follows: How one person, me, learned how to use social media for PD when she wasn’t getting what she needed from her school. Resources and examples provided including two great recent blogger posts.

Nathaniel Highstein @nhighstein, has a blog named 17Goldenfish.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Read and Share: Some Important Voices in My Classroom” and the author sums it up as follows: I thought that I would share a few of the voices who have had the greatest day-to-day impact in my own classroom, and have linked their name to a recent post that taught me something or caused me to reflect on my practice.

Cheryl Leung @MathEasyAsPi, has a blog named MathEasyAsPi.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Math for Small Children and Others” and the author sums it up as follows: Math should be fun whether you are five or fifteen. My blogpost highlights a great blog that marries art and math for young children. It also highlights a blogpost for high school students that looked like so much fun that I spent the next two days making a middle school variation. Finally, it highlights a blog that keeps me from complacency.

Gregory Taylor @mathtans, has a blog named Mathie x Pensive.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Sharing: Days in the Lives” and the author sums it up as follows: Many educators have been blogging their “Day in the Life” this school year. This is a random compilation of over 20 of those posts, stretching from Aug 2016 to Jan 2017. Why not pick one (or more) summation(s) that you like, and drop by their website(s)?

Denise Gaskins @letsplaymath, has a blog named Let’s Play Math.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Hidden Figures Teaching Resources” and the author sums it up as follows: I’ve collected several blog posts and resources for teaching about the movie Hidden Figures.

SergtPeppa @sergtpeppa, has a blog named Big Honkin’ WordPress.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled What I’m Reading” and the author sums it up as follows: A post on Dan Goldner’s Fault-Tolerant Mathematics Programs and Chris Lehmann’s Making Advisory Work. Plus some other good people that I try to read.

John O’Malley IV @jomalleyiv, has a blog named Functions Are Fun.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled Loving Local – Shoutout to Illinois Bloggers” and the author sums it up as follows: In the spirit of reading other blogs, I have focused on looking at some of my fellow bloggers from my state of Illinois.

Marissa W @viemath, has a blog named La Vie Mathématique.
The post for the Blogging Initiation is titled You Guys Are Great #MTBoSBlogsplosion” and the author sums it up as follows: Posts that I’ve read that helped me in some way, from lesson planning to great teaching, to random ones that I’ve read recently.

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