Mission #7: A Day in Your Life

DITLifeYou’ve read about what other people are doing in snippets and snapshots. You’ve shared about yourself in 140 characters or less. This week is your chance to know more, and to share more. Just about this time last year, a concurrence of events led to people who were frustrated with the perception of teachers by the general public. We wanted the world to know exactly what it is like to walk a mile in our shoes. Some of our shoes drive a long commute while others walk across campus to get to class. Certain teachers’ shoes are tied tight to race from one class to the next as they try to beat their students. Others have a change of shoes as they get out on the track or court or field to coach. All of us have a different story to tell, but we all have tired feet by the end of the day!

While we started with an outside audience in mind, we were each fascinated by everyone else’s stories. The ways people balance home and school. The differences between public, private and boarding schools. The small, large, urban, suburban, rural… The project turned into a fascinating compilation of experiences from across the world. I still hope it opens peoples’ eyes who are outside of the teaching profession, but it opened my eyes to the variety of ways educators manifest themselves.

A fair warning: it’s really challenging to encapsulate an entire day. Some of us started with the alarm going off in the morning and ended with the lights turning out at night. Others stuck to a school day. Even detailing one full class period is a great insight into the mind of a teacher. So, with the challenges in mind, decide how much of your day you want to write about and set out with a notebook (digital or paper) to record one day this week.

If you’re not a classroom teacher, we still want to hear about your day! The prompt is “Day in the Life of an Educator” and if you’re reading this post you’re probably educating someone, somewhere.

You’re welcome to try to describe a typical day, but I think more of the character of teaching comes through when you decide “I choose today!” and write about that day, no matter what happens.

Bonus Options:
Write about the day from the perspective of your shoes.
Document the things you found interesting and examine their potential to be math lessons a la Michael Pershan.
Record yourself (audio or video) describing your day or living it!

And of course, your favorite paragraph: Share your post with a tweet (including #MTBoS and #DITLife) and leave it in a comment below. Then, read and comment on the blog posts of the three commenters directly above you. Be sure that you are commenting on their blog and not here.

If there aren’t enough posts here to satiate you, check out the archive from last year’s Day in the Life. And, because it’s Tina, here’s a form to add yourself to the archive!

40 thoughts on “Mission #7: A Day in Your Life

  1. So, here’s my typical day:
    Off to school at 6:30 a.m. Stop at McDonald’s for their $1.27 coffee. It lasts me through the morning, thank goodness. I usually get to work about 6:45 (thank goodness for a short commute) where I copy handouts, check email, talk to a few teachers ( a little adult time!) and then students start arriving about 730 a.m. for extra help. At 8 am, homeroom begins and I teach my four 8th grade Algebra classes until 12:30 p.m. We then have a 20 minute lunch and head to meetings or a little down time to get some work done – that part of my day goes by very quickly.
    After school I’m either attending a faculty meeting, a department meeting, meeting with students or running my garden club until about 4 pm. At that point, I head out to tutor some students until about 7ish. A couple of days a week I exercise for an hour.
    Finally home, my awesome husband has made dinner for us, and we sit down for a few minutes to relax and talk about our day. I usually work on school work, grading papers or planning the next day’s lesson until about 10 pm.
    That’s my day!

    • Wow – four of the same class in a row?!? That would be tough for me to get through. How much do you try to change things up as you go through?

    • Wow! It’s making me tired just reading about your day! And tutoring, too! You are certainly a giving person. Is this a school garden club? I volunteered at my daughter’s elementary school garden for years. Lots of opportunities for math teaching in a school garden. Plus it’s just enjoyable to see the garden (and the kids) grow. How nice that your husband makes dinner for you both!

  2. Finished my post http://bbmathblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-day-in-life-of-teacher-family.html?m=1
    Check out a day in the life of 2 teachers raising a family

  3. From lattes to psychology, it’s so much more than people think: http://wp.me/p3pbxS-4I

  4. Saw Justin Lanier’s twitter post, so I signed up on WordPress and wrote about my day as a home schooling dad today:


  5. Here is my day from Monday: http://mathcoachblog.wordpress.com/2013/11/19/a-day-in-the-mtbos-life/

    My favorite idea to share is using the document camera to share out student work: “To go over the problem, I use my handy 24-sided die to choose a student at random. Their problem is placed under the document camera and critiqued by the class. This can be intimidating for the student, but I assure the class that everyone eventually will have their work assessed via camera during the year. By this point in the year, I hope students have been through this enough times to see the positive value in peer evaluation. I often start classes now by handing out index cards and asking a quick understanding question. For example, a day after we had gone over the required elements when describing a scatterplot, the day’s opener asked students to describe a relationship and the use of r-squared. Many examples went under the camera, and we had a snapshot of where we are as a class.”

  6. Here is my blog post: http://8ismyluckynumber.blogspot.com/2013/11/mtbos-day-in-life-of-this-teacher.html It is kind of like the children’s book: If You Give a Moose a Muffin….

  7. I made it to almost 9am before remembering tea?? what’s wrong with me?

  8. piforhungryminds

    A sneak peak into my Monday http://wp.me/2UHaD

  9. A 10.5 hr Wednesday. “Stretched, Taught” by Gregory Taylor:
    “On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is clear sailing, 10 is high stress, and 5 is typical, I’d rate this day a 7.”

  10. A Wednesday (by @mathtans): “Stretched, Taught”
    “On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is clear sailing, 10 is high stress, and 5 is typical, I’d rate this day a 7.”

  11. Here is my Thursday from today at the Princeton Learning Cooperative.
    Justin Lanier

  12. My day seems a lot less hectic when I type it out. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


  13. Here’s a Day in the Life of this math teacher…..get a cup of coffee, put your feet up….it’s lengthy!

  14. Going to try to post this again… Wednesday by @mathtans! “Stretched, Taught.”
    “On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is clear sailing, 10 is high stress, and 5 is typical, I’d rate this day a 7”

  15. I have no idea what I will be teaching each day. It could be any concept/topic/objective from any of the fourteen different math classes taught on my campus. I apologize for the lengthy post, but here is what a typical day of teaching is like for me: http://unmuddlemath.blogspot.com/2013/11/mtbos-mission-7-day-in-life.html

  16. I enjoyed inserting pictures in this one…
    Link: http://wp.me/p40vOU-4a
    Title: A very long day: 11.21.13 #DITLife

    Favorite paragraph: During advisory I also check-in with students regarding various things. Thursday’s topic was student led conferences (which I hope to blog about at another time). Essentially we had parent teacher conferences this week and my students were the ones who did majority of the talking. They explained their report card grades, spoke about pieces of work they were proud of, things they need to improve on, and their goals for the next marking period. Students had a script to help them and then I facilitated their discussion. During advisory we reflected on this and I asked them suggestion for our next student-led conferences.

    One suggestion was: The students shouldn’t lead them anymore -.-


  17. Had to complete mission 7 before going on to mission 8!

  18. I’ve always said that teaching means being in a permanent state of exhaustion and just writing this post was exhausting…http://busybeebe.blogspot.com/2013/11/exploring-mtbos-post-6.html

  19. I’m an 8th grade Algebra teacher, and a mom of 3. Here’s a snippet of a day in the life and how things don’t always go as planned and how important it is to try to find some balance in all of the craziness!! http://mrswilliamsmath.wordpress.com/2013/12/02/mission-7-a-day-in-the-life/

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